

How really anime is made? I am Animator.

Did you ever think how the animes like Naruto and Death Note really made? What's the procedure for making anime? If you want to know then welcome my friend because this whole article is on this topic. If you like our article then consider sharing it with your friends and family members and also allow the permission so that you can get notification of upcoming awesome articles like this straight to your device.

We will understand the procedure for making anime in order-wise.


It all starts off with a script. The script is produced by the artist who developed the original manga himself. And after the lengthy review process by the director, it gets greenlit and goes into production.


After the script is done the next step is the storyboard. These storyboards include drawing, movements, panning of the camera, and the length of each shot.

Layouts for the actual scene

Next, we have layouts for actual scenery and landscapes that take place. First, they draw on paper and it is reviewed like should we have a tree here? or should we have a building here? And then once it is finalized it goes to a landscape department where they used to hand paint them. They don't do so much anymore now it is turned into a lot of digital landscape. But think old-school Dragon Ball Z that's all hand-painted landscapes and backgrounds, and then new-age One Punch Man is all digital backgrounds. However, sometimes they still do hand paint in regular acrylics, but typically don't they'll only do that in the scenario where it's faster or better for some particular reason but primarily now it's all digitalize because you have all your tools right at hand and it's faster, cleaner, and cheaper.

Key animation

Now we have key animation. Now, key animators draw the first frame, the middle frame, and the last frame typically of an animation. So basically, if Guy A was going to kick Guy B, he'd be standing there, middle the kick, and then he has the kick impacting the guy. When the key animators are drawing they have to use references so that they get everything correct. Most animators use mirrors as a reference so that they can get the order to draw what he wants proportionally and correctly.

In-between animation

After the key animation is complete for every frame it'll go over to the in-between animators who make sure that that animation is a solid, fluid movement by tracking the three pictures that they were given or more and basically drawing the frames in between those to give it that motion. Key animators usually are more amateur, they're less expensive, a lot of time they're brought from Korea over Japan.

Now you have to understand that in animation just a T.V. series of 30 minutes per episode can have as many as 15,000 redrawn pictures in that single episode.


After all the animation is complete it goes over to compositing. Now compositing is a slew of different departments but primarily it is the coloring studio, the shading and this is where they put in and fill with the lines of the animation that have been created with the correct color. Now a lot of these companies have entire departments just for the coloring because it is so time-consuming. Each of these artists will be given a correct palette of color to ensure that all characters keep and maintain their level and quality of color throughout the entire animation. Now sometimes they'll be in a cave or in a building where there is not as much light compared to an open environment and they'll be given a different color palette for the darker shades and that's why sometimes you'll see characters with different shades of color whether it's their clothes or their skin.


The final stage of production effects. The effects department will take the fully drawn animation, fully colored with landscape and everything, and they'll start adding effects whether it is lightening glows or as shading blurs. They'll add various effects to ensure that that animation looks amazing, glints on swords, more things you probably even know. A lot of blurs for certain scenes so that it gives more speed motion, there are so many things that the effects department does in the end. They add to the stellar quality of animation and add those effects that make you love those key moments in that anime.


Finally, we go to post-production which is editing so that the anime, the 30-minute cartoon is exactly the amount of broadcast time meaning they may have to cut some pieces out, and then they do the voiceovers. The voiceovers are probably one of the fun stages in this entire process. 

You guys probably knew that the voice of Naruto is voiced by a woman.

That's it.

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